Friday 4 July 2014

Inside an accelerator!

Is faster possible?
We were one of the lucky startups accepted at Lisbon Challenge, an international accelerator program for startups. During these 3 months, we are working on their premises, having daily workshops, meetings with instructors and mentors, and one on one meetings with the advisors network (+200 advisors from all sectors, countries and areas). 

The objective is to accelerate our business. And yes, faster is possible. Faster and better is a goal worth chasing!!

It's a hell of a ride! At the end, we are going on a roadshow to London and San Francisco to present our startup to potential partners and investors!

Resist cookies will be presenting its business "Helping people to overcome the most powerful challenges" next 11th July, at Investors Day in Lisbon! Coming real soon!

Cheers everyone!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

O novo novo Marketing

"Tira fotografia ao concerto. Envia ao amigo que está ao lado" 

Os marketeers estão a chegar ao novo novo marketing. "Ele" já está aí, à mão de semear para quem o quiser utilizar.

Estar sempre online, com o telemóvel ligado, a partilhar experiências, fotografias, sentimentos a toda a hora é uma constante dos jovens que está a alcançar também outras gerações.

A privacidade muda de conceito e de fronteiras e a publicação "para o mundo ver" faz parte de uma afirmação da pessoa sobre quem é, o que gosta e o que experiencia e consiste também numa nova forma de criar laços com quem lê e interage.

Para comunicar uma marca neste novo novo mundo há que se adaptar e comunicar com emoção, com espírito positivo, aproveitando esta realidade de partilhas e conversas online, sempre acrescentando valor a quem ouve e está presente.

Vamos fugir da combinação anúncio de televisão seguido de uns pre-rolls no youtube.  Quem não faz skip, zap, procura o botão para fechar aquele anúncio que saltou para a frente dos olhos e que não interessa (aproveitando a época natalícia) nem ao menino Jesus? ;) 

É quase uma intrusão um anúncio imposto antes de um conteúdo que queremos ver.  A maior parte das vezes o anúncio não acrescenta valor, pois está descontextualizado do comportamento de quem o visualiza.

Saber comunicar passa por utilizar todos os meios da melhor forma, com mensagens diferentes mas coerentes, que se complementam também com a interatividade do digital, que pode e deve conquistar e fidelizar uma pessoa, que com o contexto e motivação correta, passa também ela a ser um veículo de comunicação para chegar a mais pessoas.

Todas as marcas falam do digital, do ecommerce, das redes sociais mas ainda há um desconforto enorme e uma insegurança sobre o caminho a percorrer. Fazer da mesma forma num mundo que mudou é errado, ir testando novas formas de interagir e relacionar-se com os consumidores é o correto, sempre com a preocupação de acrescentar valor, mostrando algo contextualizado com os interesses e acima de tudo com o comportamento do consumidor. Quem o faz assim já está um passo à frente no novo novo marketing.

Thursday 28 November 2013

resist cookies com prémio de empreendedorismo

resist cookies - premio DNA Cascais e Câmara de Cascais no congresso nacional de Business Angels
Carlos Carreiras, Isabel Magalhães e DNA Cascais entregam o prémio a resist cookies

A resist cookies recebeu um prémio no Congresso Internacional de Business Angels em Cascais, pelas mãos do Presidente Carlos Carreiras e da vereadora Isabel Magalhães onde fomos brindados com a presença do Ministro do Emprego, Pedro Mota Soares. 
Obrigado DNA Cascais!

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Why consumer brands must interact with storytelling and positive emotions

Every consumer brand adds value in specific situations within a person’s everyday moments. For example having cereals for breakfast, tennis shoes for running, olive oil for cooking, detergent for doing laundry. It’s in these specific moments that a brand should be remembered by consumers. That’s the challenge that every marketing executive has for its brand.

But as a marketing executive, how can you introduce your brand to these personal moments without being too hard selling, and getting your brand to be picked as favorite and to be positively associated with every single and specific moment?

In three words: Storytelling with Emotion!

You have to tell a story to your audience. You have to engage with your audience within the story. You have to create a positive emotion. You have to engage within a positive environment. And you have to be relevant and add value for each of these moments!

Let me give an example on how a global brand engaged with the market.

This specific brand is a deodorant and antiperspirant leader brand whose signature is “Do More”.

This brand wants people to think about it in the active moments of each one’s life. So this brand launched a challenge: “Start Running”.

This challenge was not only to invite people who wanted to be runners as well as people who are actually runners.

And how does this challenge work for each person? First of all, this brand launched an inspirational story about running, with different stages and objectives for each running stage. With emotion. Positive emotion.

People who read the story and accepted the challenge could invite friends to share their objectives and their running evolution on a private social media forum or in a public social media forum (privacy settings were up to each person).

These people have been positively influenced by the brand. Each one invited friends, so the brand had personal endorsement from closest friends. And each one, with help from the brand, has positively influenced other friends to start running and to join him or her on its challenge!

So the brand told a story, engaging consumers in it. Each person created their own real life story on running and shared their moments with their closest. The brand was helping them with their challenge on running and was in the mind of everyone who joined. Meanwhile these positive behaviors continued to spread to each one’s friend of friend of friend.

Want to see more? Check and be also a runner! Or drop me an email to know more about how to tell a positive and engaging story from your brand to your consumers!

 To be continued